Tap Maple Trees at Home – Cleanup
All good things come to an end, and the sap flow is no exception. Once the temperature consistently remains above freezing and buds start to form on your maple trees, it is time to stop collecting. At this point, remove the taps, clean your equipment, and store your equipment for next year.
Remove spiles (taps), buckets, and lids from trees
Remove lid and bucket from the spile. With a pair of pliers, firmly grab hold of the spile and pull out of the tree.
Clean equipment
Prior to placing in storage it is essential to clean all your equipment. Making a mixture of one part unscented household bleach (such as Clorox® Regular-Bleach) to 20 parts clean water, use a brush or cloth to scrub your equipment. Triple rinse with hot water.
Store equipment for next year
Store your supplies in a dry location, free from dust.